Give a Little Love

Do you enjoy my blog?  It's easy to show me!

Read Regularly - I know it's narcissistic, but I get such a boost from each page view.  I have a few readers who check in every day and I honestly love them.  It's nice to know I'm not talking to myself here.

Share a post - When I see a post has been shared I get a little thrill up my spine.  It's seriously pleasing to know my writing is good enough to share.  There are share buttons at the bottom of each post.  Or, you can share the whole blog through the share links on the right column.

Comment - I love comments.  If you have thoughts to contribute about a post, I truly enjoy reading them and try to reply to as many as I can!

+1 - Google has added a new little gadget which lets you tell them content is good with one little click.  See the +1 button at the bottom of each post?  Click that and you tell me (and Google) that entry is great!  It's just like the "Like" button on facebook, but it interacts with Google to drive up my standing in their search results.  *The other check boxes near the +1 button (interesting, funny, etc.) give me feedback on each post, which is quite valuable.  Check those boxes to quickly tell me what you think.

Follow Me! - Although most people reading this blog are my personal friends and pick the link up on facebook, every time someone follows me in some way it's a serious boost to my ego.  Even if you are my real life friend, I love seeing you Follow Me!

Click an Ad - This blog does not exist to make money.  However, it is nice when it turns up a few pennies here and there.  Clicking one of the Google Ads is painless for you and gives me moral and monetary support.

Buy a Little Something - I am an Amazon Affiliate seller.  That means when I post a link to a product on Amazon, I'll earn a small advertising fee if you buy through that link.  Again, my intent with this blog is not to sell stuff, but if I love something enough to blog about it I'm genuine in my recommendation.  Everything I write about here is directly from my life and when I find something I love, I like talking about it.  Also, it's fun to find people with similar interests and tastes.  If you think something sounds good enough to buy, I greatly appreciate it when you buy through my link.  (Sometimes when I talk about a book or a toy I only post a picture of it.  You may not know that's an Amazon link unless you hover your mouse over it.  If something is interesting, try clicking on the picture.  It will probably take you to Amazon.)