The Plan: Week at a Glance

Daily “Mom” Plans

 -Me Time
-Watch Sunday Morning
- Manicures for everyone!
-Late Lunch
-Dinner: leftovers

-Bedtime for Kids
-Me Time
-7:15 Breakfast 
- Girls to School 
- Work Out
-Daily Basics 
-Puzzles with Mr. A!
-Weekly Basic & Little Kid Rest Time
-Start Dinner Prep around 4:30
-Dinner: Back to School Bash!

-Me Time
-7:15 Breakfast 
- Girls to School 
-Work Out
-Daily Basics 
- Mr. A lead play time
-Weekly Basic & Little Kid Rest Time
- FUN Time

-Dinner:  Autumn Slow Cooker Chicken

-Bedtime for Kids!

-Me Time
-7:15 Breakfast 
- Girls to School 
-Work Out 
 -Daily Basics 
- arts and crafts with Mr. A

-Weekly Basic & Little Kid Rest Time
-Start Dinner Prep around 4:30
-Bedtime for Kids
-Me Time
-7:15 Breakfast
- Girls to School 
-Work Out
-Daily Basic
-get outside!

-Weekly Basic & Little Kid Rest Time
- FUN Time
-Start Dinner Prep around 4:30

-Bedtime for Kids!

-Me Time
-7:15 Breakfast 
- Girls to School 
-Work Out
-Daily Basics
- academic time with Mr. A
-Weekly Basic & Little Kid Rest Time
- FUN Time
-Start Dinner Prep around 4:30
-Dinner: lime chicken quesadillas, mexican side salad
- Bedtime for kids
- coffee time!  -breakfast                 - math games
- Craft, Walk or Book with kids
Start Dinner Prep around 4:30
-Dinner: steak, potatoes, spinach salad

-Bedtime for Kids!


  1. This is amazing! I should start doing this!

  2. Thanks! It's really helped me a ton. I love waking up in the morning, checking my plan and getting busy. Not having to think or make decisions first thing in the morning really helps me just get started. I try to fill in as much as possible every Sunday and then I'm good to go all week!

  3. you have inspired me! thanks seriously going to try and write things down....i do the monthly cooking now that it is going to be warmer out...who wants to stand in front of the stove when you can be hanging out with kids!!?

  4. You know, I've been thinking I should try monthly cooking. Heaven's knows it would be handy to have the whole month's meals done at once. I'm pretty good at making excuses for not just jumping in and doing it though. Have you written about your experience with it on your blog? And, I love having a record of all my past menus. I send this page to my email every time I update it and then can keep it for my own records. It's fabulous when I have a day like today with no real time to sit down and plan with store ads or find new recipes but need to get my week organized. I just look back, choose what I'm in the mood for and copy/paste into a current chart. It's great!
