We have two fabulous dogs. Border Collies. They are seven months younger than E, and have been pretty neglected when judged by the standard of the previous dogs in my life. Oh, they live in the house, and they get spoken to and fed and loves (especially from the kids) daily, but they don't get the long hikes and hours of fetch that filled the lives of their predecessors. I think they are due for a special fun time of their own. Today, the kids and I will take them out to play and play with them. When they are tired of playing we'll lay them down and brush them thoroughly. M loves brushing the dogs almost as much as she loves giving them treats, which I'll let her do when the brushing is done. A will laugh and scream at everything they do, especially when they lick the treats from his hands. What a nice afternoon for us all.
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
A Dog Day Afternoon
We have two fabulous dogs. Border Collies. They are seven months younger than E, and have been pretty neglected when judged by the standard of the previous dogs in my life. Oh, they live in the house, and they get spoken to and fed and loves (especially from the kids) daily, but they don't get the long hikes and hours of fetch that filled the lives of their predecessors. I think they are due for a special fun time of their own. Today, the kids and I will take them out to play and play with them. When they are tired of playing we'll lay them down and brush them thoroughly. M loves brushing the dogs almost as much as she loves giving them treats, which I'll let her do when the brushing is done. A will laugh and scream at everything they do, especially when they lick the treats from his hands. What a nice afternoon for us all.
Monday, August 30, 2010
Any hummingbird fans?

Ahhhhh. What a weekend!
My plans for today start with getting E up and off to school. Then I'm going to jump right into my schedule - which I haven't posted on the calendar yet... When all is said and done today I'm going to sit down and update my calendar. Last week was the first week I've really had all our dinners planned out and it was SO nice! I'm definitely doing that again, and I'm going to try to plan more of our fun times in advance, too. Getting organized really has simplified and improved my life. Between the planning and the routines I'm not going to recognize myself! Fortunately, my routines are routine enough I know what I want to do this morning, calendar update or not. No reason not to just get on with my day!
My fun plans start with refilling the bird feeders with M and A.
Saturday, August 28, 2010
No plans today!
Friday, August 27, 2010
Playroom Boogie!
Of course, before we can do that we are going to Madelyn's preschool open house. She is SO excited! It's an hour before time to leave and she's already completely dressed and ready to go. I just love how these little ones love school so much!
Today is also going to be "catch up" day. My favorite flylady saying is "you're not behind, just jump in where you are", but today, I am behind. I went to do the dishes yesterday and discovered I hadn't pushed the button on the dishwasher the night before. So I let that be an excuse not to clean my kitchen while I waited for them to cycle. And I continued to put it off until this morning. I haven't de-cluttered much this week, so the piles have really piled up. I'm going to tackle these things, in addition to the other things on my schedule. It's a big, big day. I'd better get moving!
Thursday, August 26, 2010
Quick update about the importance of play.
Hoping for a playdate!
Oh, and two pictures from yesterday's garden adventures. We didn't have millions of beans to pick, but the kids had fun anyway. A spent most of his time looking for cherry tomatoes - his favorite thing in the world. M was a good helper with the beans, and then we all enjoyed our Popsicles in the shade.
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
Wednesday is for gardening like Grandma!
Today, I'm going to recreate a little slice of Grandma with M and A - E, too, if we're slow and she gets home from school before we're finished. My string beans are really ready to be picked, so we're going to gather them all in, and I'll teach M to snap off the ends just the way I used to for Grandma. I don't think my family would eat bottled beans, we prefer the frozen variety, and I've been told you don't even have to blanch beans. We're just going to bag them up, label them, and put them in the freezer. That will eliminate the steamy, hot kitchen, but we're still going to enjoy Popsicles in the shade.
Also, I'm sharing some pictures from yesterday's painting fun. A just isn't interested in painting and such the way the girls were at his age - he'd much rather drive his trucks. He did give it a shot though, and was disgusted when the paint
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
Let the crafts begin!

to do again today, so I'm going to roll with it. A's prize was finger paints, so I'm thinking we'll just set up a big craft station outside where we can paint and bead and sticker to our hearts content. Why go outside? Simple - a two year old with finger paints likes to run around touching everything with their little painty fingers. When we're outside, I don't care because it can all be washed with the garden hose. Also, I just realized it's almost September. Already it's too dark and chilly to read E's bedtime story on the deck, as we've done most of the summer. Sigh... I love fall, but I'm really going to miss summer. We're going to do what we can to take advantage of our remaining summer days. I always think of the Leo Leoni book, Frederik
It's another favorite, and the transition from summer to fall always makes me want to gather colors and smells of summer to sustain us in the winter.
So, that's our plan today. What are you doing?
Monday, August 23, 2010
Running errands can be fun!
Here's the breakdown:
make bed: 5 min
empty/reload dishwasher: 10 min
sweep: 5 min
de-clutter: 15 min self-imposed limit
wash/fold/put away one load of laundry: varies 10-30 min (I start one load washing, fold/put away the one from the day before, put the now clean clothes in the dryer to be ready for folding etc. the next day)
water garden: varies 10 – 40 min
feed pets: 5 min
get kids moving on their jobs: varies 5 – 20 min
On my short days this should take an hour and on the longer days, about two. When I started this blog, I estimated I should be able to do all the Morning Basics and the Daily Chore in about two hours. I think that was correct, as long as I arrange my laundry and days more of my garden needs watering to coincide with my smaller Daily Chore days. If I could get the load of red laundry (with two little girls I wash an unbelievable amount of pink clothes and I hang all of their things instead of folding them, so that takes forever) to always fall on a Thursday when I only have to throw out leftovers I think I'd have it made!
For today's fun, we're going to be running errands! M and A have dentist appointments first thing this morning. Those shouldn't take long, so after that we'll go the library for a while, then off to the store, where I'm going to let Madelyn spend some of her allowance. She wants to buy a huge container of pompoms and pipe cleaners, which makes planning more fun for the week pretty easy. Crafty time here we come!
Sunday, August 22, 2010
Meal Planning: Kinda Fail... But I'm still going to do it!
And, a short word on meal planning. I am not a cook. I actually dislike cooking. I'm often deciding what we'll eat as I'm feeding the kids. I have decided to end that stressful and unhealthy practice. Meal planning makes cooking easier for the same reasons just planning your day simplifies things. If you make the decisions in advance, that's one less step you have to take at the time. I will plan meals. Then I will cook them. My family will be better for it.
(If meal planning is a new concept for you, this blog lays out all the benefits and the how to's pretty nicely. http://www.simpleproductivityblog.com/simple-living-tip-plan-your-evening-meals/ )
Oh, and the Week at a Glance page has been updated with this week's plans!
Sunday Morning - Does anyone have tips for meal planning?
Today's fun is still up in the air. I'm thinking I'd like to get us out of the house, and I'd like to include the spouse. He doesn't often come with us, so it would be a double bonus if we got out to play WITH him. My thought right now is to tell him we want to go play and let him decide what he'd like to do. When all else fails, delegate! Right?
Time to make breakfast and set this plan in motion!
Saturday, August 21, 2010
Slow Saturday - I'm SO ready for one!
Have a nice day!
p.s. I just found a super awesome website full of ideas I can use to get us outside and playing! I'm going to explore it a little and post about it next week!
Friday, August 20, 2010
School: Day 2
Also in my plan today; get ready for my awesome sister-in-law and cutie-cute nieces and nephew who will be visiting this weekend! I'll take M and A out to clean up the guest house, since they do love just being out there. After that, we'll relax and enjoy life a little. We have a Story Reader
which E always really loved, but poor M has never been able to just use it by herself. E used to sit in her bed at night and listen to the stories, but M has shared a room with E since she was too little to use the story reader alone and now E doesn't want to listen to the books as she goes to sleep. M is usually too busy during the day to slow down and play with something that requires sitting, but today I'm going to get out the reader and princess books and act like I'm listening to the stories just because I want to. When I do that M always comes over and listens with me. In fact, she usually cuddles up with me and wants to listen to most of our considerable collection of books. Then, when A wakes up from his nap, I'll do the same thing with him. I don't think he's ever seen the Story Reader before. I think he'll really like it. If he does, I even found a new book that I'm pretty sure Santa might have to bring for my little Cars addict.
Thursday, August 19, 2010
Hi Ho, Hi Ho, It's off to school we go...
The first day of school is here, for one of my kids anyway. She's already up and at 'em, but not to get ready to take on a new year. No, she's up early so she can play with her new dolls before it's time to go. Yup, the Monster High dolls arrived yesterday. They are every bit the high fashion, undead tramps they looked on line! She's thrilled with them and says it's too cool that their hands and arms come off. She thinks it's because they're undead, but I know better. I'm sure it's because if I had to stop to help her pull teeny tiny clothes over those hands a zillion times a day like I do when she's playing Barbies, I'd throw the slutty things away. Phew! Got that out of my system! Ok, all that said, I do see the appeal of these undead pieces of plastic, especially for Elise. She is trying to conquer fears - this is the kid who still has nightmares about an episode of Garfield she saw last year - and exploring monsters is her way of doing it. I get that. And if there was ever a child who was into looking like a rock star, it's this one. Their colors are pretty and they did come with little diaries which Elise sat right down to read cover to cover. Elise is very involved with her own diary, so I know that was a big selling point for her, too. I think I (mostly) got over my distaste for these dolls when I saw how she was playing with them. She and Alex loaded them into our Barbie cars and raced them down the driveway. That was very funny, and when they're tucked into the Barbie cars you can't see their Frederick's of Hollywood skirts or stripper shoes, so that's all good!
Alright, plans for today... Immediately, I've got to get off this computer and get Elise ready for school. I have to make myself presentable enough to walk her into her classroom and pack her lunch. I have to take many, many pictures before we go. Then it's back home for me, where it should be business as usual. Madelyn is going to relish her time alone. She's like me - alone time is good time - but I'm going to take some time to try to get her to read to me. She has been reading to herself a lot. I hear her in her room sounding out words, but she hasn't been eager to read TO people. I'll try to get her to read to me. And Alex, well, Alex is going to want to drive trucks and build parking lots. I think we'll take his stuff back outside and let him race down the driveway, too. Now that school is here I know winter is on it's way. We'd better soak up the sun while we can!
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
Summer is Over...
Back to school means packing a lunch box. My girl is the absolute pickiest eater who ever lived. She has such a small list of foods she'll eat - she literally exists on yogurt and air. I'm always looking for new ideas to put in her lunch box, but it seems like no one has come up with a variation on air or yogurt. Sigh.. I did find this useful site. Well, useful for the rest of my family anyway. There's nothing here Elise will eat. But maybe some one else out there will appreciate all the fun and easy ideas from Kraft!
Our day yesterday wasn't all work and catching up. We actually spent most of the morning looking at old pictures. That was loads of fun, I mean, who doesn't love old pictures? However, that means I didn't get to all my hot spots, so I'm going to work on chipping away at those some more today. It should be easier since my Daily Chore (watering house plants and dusting) is much smaller today than yesterday (cleaning all the bathrooms). Wednesday - here I come!
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
Fun Takes a Backseat
Also, tonight is Elise's Back to School Night, where we get to go meet her teacher and see where her desk will be and all that good stuff. She is so excited to see where she sits and who else is in her class. I love that she's so excited for school. I know I never really outgrew that excitement, and I hope my kids don't either!
Monday, August 16, 2010
Update - Pictures from the Trail
Calendar Time Sink
My fun plans for today include getting out of the house! We have a new, nearby walking trail that I haven't taken the kids on yet so we're going to go try that out. It's not a terribly long trail, but it's long enough to wear them out, and probably me, too since I'm sure I'll end up pushing all three in the stroller on the way home at least. There's also a tiny little pond with ducks, so we'll take some bread and try to feed them. I really, truly love getting outside and just walking, and I'm not very proud of my track record of taking my kids out with me. Sometimes I do really well, and other times it just seems like such a hassle to get everyone a water bottle and drag out the stroller and then they want sunglasses - NO THEY DON'T! - that it's just easier to hit the treadmill alone. But not today! Today, we're all going for a walk if it kills us! Heh, Heh... Sounds fun, right?
And in other news, we're also on the countdown for school. That means I'm trying to get us all back on School Schedule. I amazed myself this morning when I woke up at 6:30 today w/o an alarm. Keeping my fingers crossed that every morning is that easy! How soon before school starts do YOU try to get your family back on schedule?
Sunday, August 15, 2010
Camp out success!
As for today, it's another day off. I'll do the Basics, but we're just going to take it easy over all. I plan to spend some time reading with Madelyn. She's been teaching herself to read and wants to try reading Go, Dog, Go! So, we'll curl up with that for a while, and maybe she'll even let me take a video of her reading! Then I'll read with Elise and Alex, too. That's a nice way to spend Sunday, isn't it?
For my own fun time, I'm going to chip away at the photo books from our trip to Disneyland. Also, I plan to fiddle around with the calendar for the Week at a Glance page here. Someone asked a while back how I did that and I forgot to answer... The one I'm using is just a very simple, "gets the job done" thing I created using the table builder in my word processing program. I did a little looking around for a simple weekly calendar like the one I used as a teacher
but I couldn't find one that would be easy to share here. I think I'm going to play around with a few on line options today though, and maybe even try building a better one with my scrapbooking software.
That's my plan for today! What have you all got on tap?
Saturday, August 14, 2010
Bountiful Baskets Day!
I'm late getting here today because it was Bountiful Basket pick up day! Per last week's request from my friend Sabra, here's a picture of my basket this week. There wasn't anything exceptional this week, but hey, I don't have to shop for produce! My basket also included a box of strawberries and an eggplant but my kids inhaled the berries as soon as they came through the door, and I gave the eggplant away. It's one veggie I've done multiple kitchen experiments with and no one has ever said it was yummy. Then I did my grocery shopping for the week. I try to do that right after I pick up my basket because I'm all alone and I love when I can grocery shop with out kids...
I'm still counting Saturday as a "day off", where I don't have real plans beyond the Basics. During the day I'm going to goof around with the kids, and maybe rustle up something yummy for the grill. This weekend I AM making plans for my lazy time, so I don't just get sucked back into slumping over my computer all day like I did last weekend. Today, I think I'd like to practice crocheting a while (I'm trying to learn because Elise wants to learn and my attempts are pretty comical right now...) and maybe catch up on some reading or watch a movie with the spouse. Tonight we're going to be "camping" in the back yard. The girls have wanted to sleep outside all summer and since summer is almost over I decided we'd better seize the day. I'd like to sleep on the grass, but I think Elise is freaked out about sleeping on the ground. She wants to sleep on the deck where it's simple to go inside and crawl into a bed if she wants. We'll go make ourselves comfy out there and at least do some stargazing, even if we don't spend the whole night. Poor Alex is teething and crabby right now, so I'm going to keep him in his own bed, but I'll make sure we find something fun for him today, too.
I also have to share our experience with creating our own games yesterday. We had a blast thinking up fun things to do with a tub full of balls. We practiced batting balls and bouncing them into the tub. We found out that Elise can throw a pool floaty from our walk out basement lawn to the deck above but Madelyn can't quite throw that straight or hard yet. Alex had a ball (get it!!!) gathering the balls and putting them in the tub and then had even more fun throwing them out again. We probably spent an hour just making up funny things to do and when all was said and done we'd had a great time and the kids were all happy and ready for dinner and bedtime. A major bonus: Elise was motivated to go back out and play with the balls again today. She's a pretty indoor type kid, so it was fun to see he just head outside to play. This is definitely one activity we'll be doing again.
Friday, August 13, 2010
Fun! Fun! Fun!
Now that I've said that, let's make some fun plans! I was looking for activities on one of my favorite sites when I found this article about playing.
It inspired me to think about what we have that we could play with in a different way. I settled on Alex's old baby bath tub, which we now store balls in.
Thursday, August 12, 2010
I'm also including some cute pictures of the girls' thank you cards. They're just simple pictures I matted on heavy scrapbook paper, but I think they'll be fun for our Granny to receive and it was a fun way to spend a half hour together with a little lesson in gratitude.
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
A New Day!
I do have a question for anyone who cares to answer. I told Elise I'd reward her if she didn't have any cavities because I'd much rather give money to her to encourage taking good care of her teeth than to the dentist to fix neglect. She had a perfect check up and got her money, and knew just what she wanted. We talk often about avoiding impulse purchases and spending money wisely but when it comes to her money I generally let her spend it (a little at a time) on what she wants. I'm not saying I don't try to talk her out of things I wouldn't buy for her myself, but if she has her heart set on something I respect her enough to let her choose unless it's just a plain waste of money or completely inappropriate. Yesterday she bought two Monster High dolls, which didn't thrill me because we are seriously drowning in Barbie type dolls. I'm also conflicted over these particular dolls. I know Vampires are "hip" right now, and that is bleeding into other ghoulish types. I know that Elise is outgrowing her Barbies, and I know that these are just dolls and she's not going to start wearing revealing clothes because her dolls look like hookers, but check these things out!
They're like undead Bratz! I hate Bratz. They do have appealing little back stories and fun accessories. Draculara is a vegan Vampire, and there's no mention of Frankie Stein's dad being electrocuted bits of old corpses. Mattel has taken the scary out of Monsters so that's not an issue. I'm sure it is because I didn't play with dolls as a kid so I just generally don't get them, but I can't look at these things and wonder if I really want them around my girls. What do you all think?
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
Today I will just do my best.
All that said, I do still have some things I either really have to get done or really want to do. First on the list is the dentist. Due to her fever Madelyn won't be going but I still have to take Elise and Alex. And I WILL do my basics and daily chores. Other than that I really don't care what goes on here today – Ha! Ha! No, I really do care. A little. :) One way we spent all that time on line yesterday was making the girls new job charts for the week. I mentioned in a previous post that this is a new thing for us but last week went really well, and Elise was upset when she realized that we'd spent so much time making her new chart (and shopping on line for Halloween costumes and school clothes) that she didn't do her jobs. I promised she could do them twice today so she wouldn't miss out on her allowance this week. That means I'll have to make sure we do their jobs today, too. We also have some thank you notes to write our Grandmas, and I'm thinking that would be some good quiet together time. Thank you notes usually turn into full blown art projects or stories and those are always good fun.
There, that's my plan for today. Now I'm going to give myself 30 more minutes online and then I'm off to start my day!
Wait! I almost forgot! A couple friends have asked about my job charts, specifically how I made them and what's on them. They're pretty simple, mostly because both girls are pretty good at just doing whatever I tell them but there are a few things we needed to improve on on daily basis and so far the charts have been useful for that. These are their charts. I let them choose the pictures and they are coloring them as I write. They love that part. I made them here www.dltk-cards.com/chart

Monday, August 9, 2010
Monday, Monday - Week 2
Also yesterday, I got a fun email from my old friend Daynene - NO, she's not old! We've just literally been friends since kindergarten so in this case old means we go way back. Anyway, she sent a link to a fun website where I found a project I may do with my girls soon. www.nestlefamily.com/CraftsAndActivities/Creativeprojects/Default.aspx?ArticleId=0F0C7AC5-1C98-4FC0-8A52-44FB77CAFF71&sc=10087145&utm_source=NF&utm_medium=email&utm_content=Week1&utm_campaign=BackToSchool10 My girls can't get enough when it comes to crafts and this is one that would be useful! I think the girls would love having their own calendar. So, if I find the ambition to go to the store and buy the supplies, I think this one will be in our future. Thanks for the link Daynene!!!
Today's plan doesn't look very exciting when you see it on the calendar, but I'm looking forward to it. First, I'm getting a haircut! Yay! That's a whole glorious hour (maybe an hour and a half!!!) all to myself. I love my stylist, so I look forward to seeing her, too. She not only gives the best scalp massage while she's shampooing, but we have a lot in common so I like visiting with her. Then, for our fun time this afternoon, the kids and I are going to clean up the playroom. We crank up the music and boogie down while we work. Alex, of course, and Madelyn need lots of help staying focused on putting things away instead of getting more things out, but that's ok. I wouldn't expect otherwise.
It's also looking like I'm going to be dolling out lots of reading stickers for Madelyn. She taught herself to read this summer but is self-conscious about reading to people. To encourage her to read to me and try new books I put a bunch of stickers in a baggie and she gets to choose one every time she reads a new book to someone. She must have decided she wants some stickers today because she just got all of her early reader books and read one. That's a nice way to start a day, don't you think?
Now, on with today! Happy Monday!
Sunday, August 8, 2010
Lazy Sunday - It's supposed to be a day of rest, right?
Also, I've enjoyed the comments left after some posts so I'm going to encourage a little conversation. How do you spend down time with your family? Please answer in the comments below!
Saturday, August 7, 2010
Bountiful Basket Day!
If you checked out my "Week at a Glance" page you probably saw that my weekends are pretty open. When school starts I'm going to try to fill them in more so we can include Elise in our fun stuff, but for now I'm using Saturday and Sunday for lazy days. I'm still working on focusing when I'm working. It's so dang easy to get distracted! Yesterday I let the dishes sit in the sink all day because I just felt like playing, then wanted to kick myself when it literally took less than 10 minutes to unload/load the dishwasher, clean the pans I cooked dinner in AND throw in some take-n-bake cookies for a late night snack. And today, even though I should be able to take the weekend off from laundry, I have three loads to fold because I just haven't made myself get them done every day. So, as I atone for my slovenliness, I'll think of these quotes. I doubt Buddah and Dave Ramsey ever thought they'd show up on a blog together...
"Do not dwell in the past, do not dwell in the future, concentrate the mind on the present moment"--Buddha
“Discipline is the middle name of the wealthy.” -- Dave Ramsey
I hope they help me stay on track!
Oh, and I here are a few pictures from our fun time yesterday. I told the girls to choose their favorite outfits and you can see what stage in life Madelyn is in from her choice. :) Alex was wholly uncooperative with the whole idea until Madelyn started playing with him behind my back. Then we got a few smiles out of him at least, even if his back drop is our messy play room instead of the pretty yard. Oh, and if you're my friend on facebook look for a link to more pics later today.

Friday, August 6, 2010
Day 5 - Already?
Now, on to Friday... There is something new on the blog today. I added a second page with a Week and a Glance calendar. Right now it's pretty generic, but as I get better at this I'd like to have all the variables filled in, including fun time activities and meal ideas. I know that if I'd plan our meals in advance my life would just continue to get easier, so that's one more baby step to work toward. For now, that's where I'll keep my outline for each day and I'll write about the fun times here.
Today I'm going to turn my kids into models. I always take some fun pictures of them for their birthdays but this year I never got around to Elise's seven year pics. (Her birthday is just before Christmas so it's really easy to put it off, and I have really drug it out far too long.) I also haven't taken Alex's two year pictures yet, and of course we'll get some current, summery shots of Madelyn. So that's what's on tap for today. I'm thinking we'll just stay home and use our yard as a backdrop. The yard is so pretty right now it seems a shame not to document it as well. And, if I'm unhappy with the lack of variety, well, I'll just have a good excuse to dress the kids up and photograph them all over again.
Oh, and I'm also including some pictures of our new flower clips. The girls and I had a really good time making them. And after Alex's nap, we broke out the play doh again and opened a play doh ice cream shop. It's so nice that he's now old enough to remember we only pretend to eat that kind of ice cream! (The picture of Alex is from the pool, where he watched tractors at the nearby construction site while the girls swam.)
Thursday, August 5, 2010
Last Day of Swimming Lessons!
As I mentioned above, I haven't been 100%. In fact, I didn't do yesterday's Daily Chore or clean the guest house (I got sidetracked building photo books). So, that's what's in line today after swimming lessons. If we hurry really fast, we should be able to get everything done before my cute niece arrives in the afternoon. Then, I'm going to try to make flower hair clips with the girls. We also bought the supplies for this project at the dollar store on Monday. I'm all proud of myself for getting three days worth of fun out of one trip to the store! I'm far from the craftiest person alive so who knows if they'll be anything to shout about when we're finished but we should have fun making them.
Thursday's Outline:
- consume much coffee/check email/blog
- breakfast/get ready for swimming/write shopping list
- grocery shop
- morning basics
- lunch - burritos, fresh fruit
- daily chore X 2
- clean apartment
- make flower clips, run around yard with Alex
- BBQ burgers for dinner w/ fried plantains, chips and watermelon
- hang out w/ Claire
- bedtime!
Wednesday, August 4, 2010
On tap today: Cleaning!
- Wake Up
- Breakfast/Get Ready for Swimming
- Swimming Lessons
- Girls Jobs/Morning Basics
- Lunch
- Daily Chore
- Clean Apartment
- Haircuts
- Play with Alex
- Dinner
- Hang Out
- Bedtime!
Tuesday, August 3, 2010
We came home and spent a considerable time filling the balloons. We had a great time talking and spraying each other while Alex wondered what all this splashing was about. Each girl learned how to put the balloons on the little hose attachment but neither wanted to learn to tie them. So, I tied a lot of balloons and the fun commenced! After we (quickly) destroyed all the balloons, we decided on a pizza picnic for lunch. Great day so far!
Now, on to an outline for the rest of my day...
*Wake up - rush to get off to swimming lessons
*Swimming/Dollar Store
*Fun with Kids!
- Back to Work - Morning Basics
- Daily Chore
- Start girls on their jobs
- Dinner
- Hang out
- Bedtime!