Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Summer is Over...

Wow, that was fast... Summer vacation just started but now I turn around and it's back to school time! I'm so glad I've been focusing on enjoying having Elise home every day and taking advantage of the gorgeous weather. I definitely feel better about not just frittering away the whole break. Today's fun is going to be Elise's choice. Whatever she wants to do, we'll try to do. Right now I'll guess that we'll be buying Barbies or heading to a park. We also have to get her backpack ready for morning. She'll love doing that. She's SO excited to finally get to use all the school supplies her teacher asked for. Ahhh... I hope this happiness about school lasts her whole life.

Back to school means packing a lunch box. My girl is the absolute pickiest eater who ever lived. She has such a small list of foods she'll eat - she literally exists on yogurt and air. I'm always looking for new ideas to put in her lunch box, but it seems like no one has come up with a variation on air or yogurt. Sigh.. I did find this useful site. Well, useful for the rest of my family anyway. There's nothing here Elise will eat. But maybe some one else out there will appreciate all the fun and easy ideas from Kraft!

Our day yesterday wasn't all work and catching up. We actually spent most of the morning looking at old pictures. That was loads of fun, I mean, who doesn't love old pictures? However, that means I didn't get to all my hot spots, so I'm going to work on chipping away at those some more today. It should be easier since my Daily Chore (watering house plants and dusting) is much smaller today than yesterday (cleaning all the bathrooms). Wednesday - here I come!


  1. Robyn, I found the best site ever for school lunches. It doesn't really give ideas for food, but gives you creative ways to pack it so that maybe she will eat it?? I have a SUPER picky eater too!!! The website has an idea for a tic tac toe lunch, lollipop lunch, and then a CUTE lunchbox kit. The tic tac toe and lunch kit are on the homepage and the lollipop lunch is under In The Kitchen you might have to look around for everything but they are awesome ideas:

  2. These look great Tanya! Thanks for sharing! Every now and then I can make something look good enough to tempt her into trying it, so I'll definitely try some of these! Good luck in the new school year!
